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Upper Bay Fishing Reports

Upper Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, February 6 Update:

The Upper Bay is finally free of ice for the most part, but the fishing is still on the slower side. The good news is that we can start looking forward to the spring spawning runs that should start kicking off here at the end of the month. Yellow perch will begin to move into their spawning tributaries and the more productive rivers are the Magothy and Chester. Anglers in the Magothy have been catching some yellows this winter, but the larger schools have yet to push into the smaller tidal creeks in big numbers. In the deeper waters of the Patapsco River white perch and resident striped bass will be lurking around depths of 40’ to 60’. It can be a challenge to get them to bite, but fishing on warming trends can give you a decent chance to find more active fish. Metal jigs and blade baits work very well for fish in deeper depths of this cold water. Another fishery that is usually reliable this time of year are chain pickerel. The Magothy River and Baltimore area creeks have an abundance of these fish that stay active in the winter months. They are typically found near docks and shorelines with structure. A tip for fishing in late winter and spring is to fish along southern facing shorelines that will be getting the most sun exposure. The waters in these areas are typically a bit warmer and pickerel will move into these areas for that reason. There is a lot to look forward to in the coming months, so gear up and get ready.

pickerel fishing chesapeake bay
Pickerel are plentiful in the Upper Bay tidal creeks.


October 4, 2024
Upper Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, October 25 Update: Rocktober has about a week to go and anglers are still waiting for the fishing action to bust wide open. While the striped bass fishing hasn’t been great throughout Maryland, Upper Bay anglers… Read more...
September 5, 2024
Upper Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, September 26 Update: Although the mackerel have by all reports headed south for the season we had a reader report of a pair picked up off Love Point last weekend, so there’s still a chance of finding some… Read more...
August 2, 2024
Upper Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, August 30 Update: Striped bass are still a primary target for anglers in the Upper Bay and they will remain at the top of the list throughout the rest of summer and fall. The hotspots in this region are still… Read more...